Interfaith Iftar at Congregation Netivot Shalom, Berkeley

On Sunday, March 17, 2024, Congregation Netivot Shalom, Pacifica Institute, and BAYCC hosted the annual interfaith iftar dinner. This significant event celebrated its 15th consecutive year, showcasing a testament to the enduring spirit of harmony and cooperation among diverse communities. Volunteers gathered at 2 pm to meticulously prepare a delectable fish meal for the esteemed guests.

Throughout the evening, distinguished speakers on stage treated attendees to enlightening speeches, offering insights and reflections on the values of unity and understanding across faith traditions. Adding to the ambiance, stirring musical performances by talented artists representing Jewish and Muslim communities captivated the audience, fostering a shared appreciation for cultural diversity and harmony.

The guests united as the sun gently set, signaling the time for iftar. The melodious call to prayer, the Adan, resonated through the air, accompanied by the joyous anticipation of breaking the fast. Gathered around the table, individuals from various backgrounds shared the warmth of companionship, partaking in a feast that nourished the body and the soul.