Tea Talk on The Impact of Pandemic on Women’s Mental Health

The Tea Talk series continues with sharing delicious Turkish food and having wonderful conversations. We got together on Dec 10 at 11am-1pm and this time, we focused on women’s mental health and self care. We discussed the mental health benefits of community helping during a crisis and how the coordinated help, community identification and sense of unity helped us to survive through the COVID-19 pandemic. We talked about how to manage self care in such uncertain times. We had a very warm conversation around delicious Turkish food and hot tea.

We will get together next time on Jan 14, Saturday at 11am-1pm. We are going to talk about giving and doing volunteer work for the society. We’ll have guests to show us examples of giving and volunteerism that impact our local community as well as overseas. We are also going to discuss the simple ways of giving in our everyday life, of course along with delicious Turkish food and tea.