Traveling is a wonderful way to share new experiences and discover new perspectives together. For people across traditions, travel presents a unique setting to learn about each other’s culture and build trust. A new program with this in mind to bring cultures and people together kicked off with a Thanksgiving dinner on the 4th of November 2023 at the PTBE.
This program “12 Months by the Bay: A Pacifica-PTBE Journey Together” is jointly envisioned and planned by the Pacifica Institute and Peninsula Temple Beth El’s Interfaith Friendship Committee and aims to establish friendship bonds by spending time together at activities that are spread throughout the year.
More than 40 people eager to make new friends attended the program kick-off Thanksgiving dinner. A menu of Turkish cuisine was served, followed by Turkish Tea and Rugelach. Project coordinators shared their vision of the project and attendants expressed their enthusiasm about new opportunities, looking beyond stereotypes, making deeper and stronger trust a reality.
The program will start with a visit to the Oakland Museum of California in February and continue with mutual dinner visits during Ramadan and Passover. The rest will be shaped by the participants and will include trips to local treasures, attending cultural events, or sharing stories around a campfire.